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NIFS(National Institute of Fisheries Science) develops 4 new raw materials for biodegradable fishing net

ANKOR Bioplastic
25 Feb 2021
Views 1902

NIFS(National Institute of Fisheries Science) develops 4 new raw materials

for biodegradable fishing net

- Expectation of biodegradable fishing net price reduction through diversification of raw materials -

NIFS announced development of four new raw materials** for biodegradable fishing net to reduce ghost fishing* and protect marine ecosystem.

  *ghost fishing: Common net is made of nylon and other fibers that do not rot well after a long period of time, and if a net is lost

during fishing,  fish is caught, and another predator is caught again to eat the caught fish.

  **four new raw materials: PBEAS, PBEAS+AH, PBES, Bio-PBS

 Biodegradable fishing net is decomposed and disappeared by microorganisms after a certain period of time in the ocean,

 so they have the advantage of preventing the reduction of fishery resources by ghost fishing and preserving the environment.

In 2005, NIFS developed biodegradable fishing net to catch snow crab made of polybutylene succinate (PBS)

material and distributed it to fishing sites firstly in the world.

 Snow crab fishing net made of PBS is suitable just for snow crab, but it is not suitable for other nets to caught blue crab and yellow corvina due to its low flexibility, and price is two to three times higher than that of ordinary fishing net.

In order to improve these problems, NIFS has succeeded in developing four new types of raw materials

for biodegradable fishing net and reducing production costs along with ANKOR Bioplastics,

Inha University's Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation, and Jeju Offshore Net Fishing-boat State Council.

 Four types of new raw materials developed are expected to improve strength, flexibility, decomposition, and

eco-friendly compared to existing raw materials for biodegradable fishing net, and cost is expected to be about 5 percent lower.

In addition, fishing performance test of blue crab and yellow corvina net produced from new raw materials showed equivalent performance to conventional nylon net.

 This is expected to be due to major physical characteristics of new material fishing net thread, such as fracture strength* and extension rate**, are close to 95% of the existing nylon fishing net thread, and flexibility is 20% better than

the previous biodegradable fishing net thread.

  * Fracture strength: Maximum force until fishing net thread is broken

  **Extension rate: Percentage of fishing net thread stretch

Choi Wan-hyun, head of the NIFS, said, "Through the development of various raw materials for biodegradable fishing net, we can make suitable nets for each major fish species." and

"If biodegradable fishing net is supplied cheaply and their use is expanded, the effect of protecting marine ecosystems

and fishery resources is expected to increase."

Source of data: reference NIFS press release




ANKOR Bioplastics 

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· Phone: +82-33-731-5845

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ANKOR Bioplastics 

216, Munmakgongdan-gil, Munmak-eup, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea

· Phone: +82-33-731-5845

· Fax: +82-33-731-5846